If you have questions about our club, or are interested in joining us, the following is a listing of our Board of Directors, Appointees, and Coordinators. Please feel free to contact any one of them for more information.
Note- email addresses say “at” instead of the correct symbol. Please correct when using.
Open Position
Vice President – North
Doug Engelson
vpnorth at mgccnwc.com
Vice President – East
Open Position
Vice President – South
Jay Glenn
vpsouthjay at mgccnwc.com
Rob Blubaugh
vpsouthrob at mgccnwc.com
Vice President – West
Open Position
Tom Lawnsby
treasurer at mgccnwc.com
Kathi Yingling
secretary at mgccnwc.com
MGA Representative
Jim Sanders
mgarep at mgccnwc.com
MG-T Representative
Larry Kanaster
mgtrep at mgccnwc.com
MGB Representative
Open Position
MOWOG Editor
Ralph Yingling
mowogeditor at mgccnwc.com
Membership Administrator
David Sell
membership at mgccnwc.com
Paul Barrow
historian at mgccnwc.com
Paul Feuerpfeil
Lee Orphan
webmaster at mgccnwc.com